The Behavior of Donald Trump Seen From His Penis Size
The Behavior of Donald Trump Seen From His Penis Size
MASSAPEDIA NEWS - News of entrepreneurs who become candidates of President of the United States (US), Donald Trump, always interesting to read. Because the man who has aged 69 years was always giving provocative statements.
Not only from Trump, a statement from the camp who rejected his nomination is also interesting to observe. Aside from politicians, who pitched the same rejection statement also many who come from the celebrities.
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Not long ago, a Canadian electronic musician lady, Peaches, gave a statement about Trump fairly membelalakan eye.
Quoted from Lenny newsletter recently, the musician who often dressed weird it says that Trump is very sexist and hate transgender.
"I'm not going back to the US if Trump is elected president," said Peaches.
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"I did not ever comment on the behavior of celebrities. But for Trump is no exception, because his behavior was very frustrating," he continued.
Peaches also added that Trump annoying behavior seen from the size of his penis.
"It looks like we do not need to comment on the size of his penis, it is already evident from his behavior," says Peaches.
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"Even if he was talking about his penis, it will not make it a better person," he continued.
Before Peaches, a number of celebrities also commented on the statement Trump during the campaign.
Cyrus cried when he learned that Donald Trump managed to get the most votes in the seven states on the ballot in some states of the so-called Super Tuesday.
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Tears gushed from the eyes Cyrus because Trump is a close friend of Rebecca Francis, a hunter of rare animals.
Through his Instagram account, Cyrus openly flaunt her tears it to 38 million followers.
"Yes, it is the tears that fell into my nose. It makes me very sad and frightened, not only for our country, but also the animals that I was loved more than anything in this world," he wrote, upload photos Francis and Trump ,